Trolley ride

Sam- If you're wondering why I'm sitting in a seat and Jacob isn't, there were no trolleys left with two seats or two safety belts so we had to go with this one today. A more appropriate title would have been "Tantrum at the supermarket". We were only in the door 2 minutes when Jacob decided that he wanted Mum's shopping list and when she didn't give it to him he started to pack one! She tried to distract him but NO. She tried the dummy but NO. She gave us both a packet of coffee to hold. I was quite happy scrunching mine but NO Jake was having none of that. Poor Mum. He really can make alot of noise when he wants to. She ended up having to carry him around the supermarket just to get him to quiten down. What a toad - of course I'm never like that!!!
Jacob - I don't know why she didn't just give me the damn list. All I wanted to do was eat it!