Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Sam - Check out our latest adventure!!! While visiting our friends Derek and Debbie we got to meet their pet calves who tried to lick us to death!! Jacob wasn't so keen on the whole idea but I was very brave and got my fingers and toes cleaned - must've been that tasty vegemite sandwich I'd just finished that they could taste.

Sporty dudes

Don't we look super sporty! Our Aunty Neet and Uncle Mike had a super-quick trip home from Melbourne recently, so we zoomed over to Gore for a couple of hours to catch up with them as they made their way to Invervegas. The adults had coffee and cake, but we only got a measly old girl guide biscuit and water - NOT FAIR!

Swing time

Sam - Wheeee!!! Here's the latest activity to keep us occupied. The tree branch makes a terrific swing set! This is our swing but Mum has also borrowed another one that is similar from the Lawrence Toy Library, so that's even better cos' now we can both swing together. Wheeee!!!

Mr Flexible

Jake - Look what I can do! It's a matter of eat whatever I can since Mum and Dad don't feed me enough.

Fresh fruit

Mmmm. We love our summer fruit. Our Aunty Luce told Mum about these great 'Fresh Food Feeders' where you can just open up the top and pop the fruit inside, click the lid shut and we're away laughing (or should we say "gumming"). Today we're having frozen banana, our first ever ice block and it's fabulous on a hot day.