Sunday, April 22, 2007

10 months old

Hi everyone. Well the wintery weather sure is heading our way. These photos are hot off the press, only taken yesterday during our late-afternoon stroll. Mum was delighted because this is the first time that we have both kept our hats on!!! We usually have them ripped off before we even get out the gate. Mind you its not that easy to pull a hat off with these silly mittens on too!!

Hard to believe that we're ten months old today - where has the time gone? Mum's already thinking about how to celebrate our first birthday (wahoo, party time).

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Introducing our Calder cousins

Recently our cousins Shane and Mark came to stay for the night. We had such a great time with them. They played with us constantly, helped bath us, feed us, undress us, dress us..... but not change our nappies! We were even spotted in the lounge doing donuts and wheelies in these little armchairs!!! It was awesome spending time with Shane and Mark. They thought we were pretty cool too. We can't wait until we're big enough to run around outside with them.

Back left - Shane, back right - Mark

Front left - Jacob, front right - Sam

Bath time for boys

We soooo love our bath!
Bath time sure is fun time in our house. There is always giggles galore, lots of splashing (getting Mum and Dad as wet as possible), fighting over bath toys (yes, already).... Sometimes you will even catch us bending down to drink the bath water. Mmmmm

Waitahuna playgroup

Here we are with all of our playgroup friends. Mum has a confession to make - this is the one and only time that we've been to playgroup in Term 1. How slack is that!!! She says that she'd rather let us sleep since playgroup is on during our morning sleep time, but we'd much rather go and play with our mates.
Jacob - That's me getting kissed by my friend and neighbour Georgia. Georgia's mum Natasha has a good hold of me just in case I decide to 'take off'.
Sam - Yep, that's me posing yet again for another photo. I think I might be a model when I'm older.


Real PJs

Although we do look like stunned mullets in this photo, Mum and Dad reckon that we look like real big boys in our new PJs. They say "Where have our babies gone???"

Sam (left), Jacob (right)