Thursday, May 31, 2007

Little Treasure

Jacob - Mum's latest Little Treasures magazine arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. She did try to keep it out of my reach but I managed to get a hold of it and wasn't keen on letting go, so she let me have a turn with it. However I did have to be careful not to rip any pages!!! I had a lovely time looking through at pictures of other kids. I felt like a real big boy reading all by myself.

Teeth Time

Yep, it's started already!!!!
"Have you cleaned your teeth?"
Even though we only have 4 teeth we have to make sure they're clean before bedtime.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Big boys at Daycare

This morning we had our first session at daycare without Mum. She hung around for half an hour or so and then when she saw that we were just having so much fun with all of the different toys she snuck away. We are booked in for 3 hours every Tuesday morning at Goldfields Educare in Lawrence to get us used to it so that when Mum works part-time next term we are well-adjusted to daycare.

We had an excellent first day at daycare. We both even had a sleep there, which is pretty neat considering it was a new and different place to sleep. (The educare staff were amazed that Sam could sleep through Jacob squawking for 20 minutes before going to sleep).

We also got to have some lunch there too which was pretty cool. Just as well that we enjoyed it. Mum won't feel quite so guilty leaving us behind next week.

Happy Mothers Day

This photo was taken by Carol at Mainly Music on the Friday before Mothers Day. It was a great idea to get photos of all the kids and their mums.

On our feet

We soooo love getting up on our feet!

Jacob - Well who would want to stay on the floor when you can get up and view the world on two feet! I am pulling myself up on all sorts of things (including adults legs) and walking around objects with more and more confidence. Won't be long til I'm walking on my own. I can't wait! Sam can stand up with me if someone helps him up, but he is getting stronger and stronger too.

Bum shuffling

Sam - I'm on the move now and there's no stopping me!! I've spent long enough watching Jake bum shuffling all around the place so now it's my turn. Mum can't put me down in one spot anymore and expect to find me there when she comes back. I'm off and exploring. Won't be long til I'm crawling like Jacob, then look out.

More bath pics

We know that you've seen plenty of us in the flesh already but Mum couldn't resist showing you these photos, they're just so cute (or so she reckons anyway).

Shoulder ride

Sam - Dad and I have just been over feeding the dogs at the end of the day and I was lucky enough to get a shoulder ride back to the house. Dad doesn't mind when he's got a hat on, but without his hat I do love to smack him on the head! That's cos he hasn't got any hair for me to pull!!! Ha ha!

Digger n Dad

Hey there, howz it going everyone?
Recently we had a digger here so of course we had to have the customary photos taken. Dad was doing a tidy up of shrubs etc in the garden (e.g pulling some out) while it was here, so we took the opportunity to join in the fun. Dad was having such a lovely play before we came along!!!