Saturday, June 30, 2007

One year old

Friday, June 29, 2007

Birthday cakes. Mmmmmm

Haven't we got a clever mummy!!!

We won't tell you how long it took Mum to ice these cakes (let's just say we didn't quite sleep long enough for her to get both finished!!!)
Can you tell which one she iced first???

Mum thought that she'd tackle only a wee challenge for our first cakes, but she encountered more than she bargained on when icing the first cake. She got 3/4 finished and ran out of icing, and wouldn't you know it when she made some more it was a slightly different colour!! So she had to put the new colour completely over what she had already iced! Never mind, the beauty of having to make two cakes was that she had it mastered by the time that it came to icing cake number 2.

On our birthday we ate Jacob's cake first and it tasted pretty good too.

Note the lovely green icing to spread everywhere!

Party time

Check out the party food! Good old fairy bread, cherrios, chippies, marshmallows and lollies (for the big kids).

Our neighbours came to join us in celebrating our birthday. At least they could still make it through the snow. Thank goodness for 4 wheel drive!

Presents galore!

Sam - Yay, the best part of birthdays is the presents. Well actually I still favour the paper, but the presents weren't too bad. Here we are having fun with the gifts that Mum and Dad gave us. I particularly love the maracas as they make a great noise when you shake them.

Jake - Here I am in my favourite present - a tent tunnel. It's cool fun to crawl from one end to the other. I also quite like sitting up in the middle of it.

Snowy birthday

Just look what we woke to find on the morning of our birthday - yep lots of the white stuff everywhere!!!! Of course this was the first decent dumping of snow since we were born and it had to arrive on our birthday, which meant that none of our grandparents could make it through to celebrate with us. Never mind, there will be plenty more birthdays.

It will be no surprise to you blog readers out there that we had to make the most of this opportunity and get all rugged up in our winter woolies to go outside for the obligatory 'snow photo' or two.

Into mischief

Check out our latest adventures. Yep, we can open the kitchen cupboards now and get into all sorts of stuff. It is great fun, or should we say "was great fun". Mum has gone and spoilt it by putting those silly cupboard locks on the doors of the best cupboards to keep us out. What a poor sport! She has left us the pot cupboard though so we can still explore in the kitchen while she's busy.

We also love to 'help' unload the dishwasher. Dad is hoping that we'll still be so keen in another few years - don't get your hopes up Dad!


Sam - Look out Dracula, I'm in training!!!

Lotsa leaves

Jacob - We had a super cool time playing in the leaves at the Luggate domain with Uncle Matt and cousin Will.

Sam - I loved it when Uncle Matt made it 'rain' leaves. As you can see I even got one stuck on my forehead. Uncle Matt thought this was soooo funny because I made myself go cross-eyed trying to see it!

A bucket of trouble

Just look what Grandad managed to scoop up when we were in Luggate recently!
Sam (left), Will, Jacob