Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Roller coaster ride

Jacob - WHEEEEE!!!!!!
This is such cool fun. Mum arrived to pick us up from Educare last week and heard that we were so clever and able to go on the roller coaster all by ourselves. She was so amazed that the next day she arrived with camera in hand to capture the moment to share with you all. As you can imagine we weren't keen on just having one turn - I even started backing up the wee cart each time for more turns. The staff at Educare have to watch me carefully because I'm off before they know it - I push my feet down and set myself going... wheee... and off the end whizzing along the grass.
Sam - Check it out. I am having soooo much fun. Jennie, one of my Educare teachers, is just making sure that I don't go 'off the rails'.
Apparently the local toy library has one of these roller coasters, so you can guess what Mum will be getting out for us soon!

Fun in the sun

Here we are in sunny old Waitahuna at playgroup. It's great now that we are on the move as we can get exactly where we want to. We've had some great weather lately which means we can all get outside and enjoy the sunshine.
You might be able to notice us wearing our 'wet weather' pants that Nana Cec gave us. These have come in mighty handy lately and means that Mum doesn't mind us falling over or crawling on the wet grass.

Clowning Around