Double Trouble
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Super-duper sandpit
Boy we've got a clever dad. A few weeks ago he built us this mega-awesome sandpit. It's so huge that he had to do three trips to the beach to 'acquire' the sand. We shouldn't tell you this, but on the first trip he got the truck stuck and had to get the nearest farmer to give him a tow out (and he hadn't even 'acquired' any sand at this stage!!!!) Mum is now cursing the sandpit as there's sand everywhere - there's no pleasing some people!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Jacob - Most people know how much I love looking at my books but did you know that I'm so clever that I've moved on to reading adults fiction now? A particular favorite is this Catherine Cookson novel. I can't seem to stop looking at it. Mum keeps on finding it in strange places around the house - she doesn't seem to understand that I haven't finished it yet and that I'll put it back on the bookshelf when I'm done.
Puddles, puddles, whoops!
Jacob - Hi folks. Well here I was at Nana and Grandad's in Luggate, way back at the beginning of October. The weather had been absolutely foul and we'd been stuck inside, so once the sun appeared it was on with the wet weather pants and the gummies and outside to play in the puddles. I had an absolute ball! As you can see from these pics I started out a bit tentative, just dabbling about in ankle deep water but as my confidence grew I was off and exploring to find the deepest puddle that I could. Yep I found it!!!! All was well until I fell over in the darn thing, then it was Mum to the rescue. I tell you something though, those wet weather pants were brilliant - I can certainly vouch for them being waterproof anyway!