Friday, May 09, 2008

Roxburgh playground

On our way home from Luggate this week Mum stopped off at the Roxburgh playground to let us burn off some energy. What a fabulous playground. We really loved exploring all of the different play equipment - tunnels, slides, fire engine, moving bridge, roundabout .... Mum's always admired this playground and wanted an excuse to stop off here, and now that she has us she can!!!

Lotsa leaves

Time for some leaf play with Mum.

Motorbike mayhem

We absolutely LOVE any chance we can get to go on the motorbike with Dad. We even like to wander over to the shed and just sit on the bike while it's parked there (with Mum trailling behind us of course to keep an eye on what we're up to!!!) Sometimes all four of us pile on the bike and go and move some sheep. Mum enjoys getting out of the house and coming with us too.

Hats of many colours

As you can tell we are going through a hat phase at the moment, which is just as well considering we're heading into winter. Any time we go outside we just have to put a hat on - and some days we're quite particular about which hat we want to wear!!!!! At least it saves Mum and Dad battling with us to keep our precious little heads warm.

Ready for action

Jake - Well, I'm almost ready for action. Gimme some pants and I'll be off. Yeah I'm a typical bloke - love to be just like my dad wearing my gumboots.

Brotherly love

PUCKER UP!!!!!!!!!!!

Crazy drivers

Just giving Mum and Dad a taste of what's to come - imagine it when we're both going for our drivers licences!!!

River antics

Check out all the boys in our family!!!! Here we are with our O'Connell and Calder cousins, ranging in age from 13 months to 13 years, making the most of the fantastic summer weather taking a dip in the Waitahuna river (this photo obviously not taken recently!!!!)