Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Up, up and away

Look out - here we come! Now it really is DOUBLE TROUBLE.


We love "helping" Mum and Dad with the dishwasher. Unfortunately for them it is usually when they are trying to 'load' it up with dirty dishes and we are very good at emptying it out as quickly as they load it up.
Mum and Dad hope that we're just as keen to help with the dishes when we're older (not that they're holding their breath).

Precious toys

Sam - "Peek-a-boo". Yep we have lots of interesting toys to play with but nothing beats a few pots, pans, kitchen utensils and bowls. Mum didn't mind that this bowl had just come out of the dishwasher as it filled in a bit of time while she was cooking tea.

Jake - I love wearing hats at the moment and this bowl fits just nicely. Wouldn't be much good a sunhat though!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Civilized morning tea

Yes we do try to eat in a civilized manner these days ( not that we last sitting in our chairs for too long). It's a good start anyway. Plus it means that Dad can drink his cup of coffee in peace!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Delightful Daffodils

Sam - The pictures say it all really - Spring is here, Yeeha!!!

Jacob - Take a guess - Am I about to smell the daffodil or eat it???????

Gumboot Fetish

Jacob - You've found out my little secret - I just love to cart a gumboot around with me. It doesn't matter what I am doing, it's just great to have my wee gumboot friend along for the ride. Everywhere I go outside I have to have at least one gumboot with me. Not that I always bring them back though - there are usually one or two to be found lying around the section. I go crazy if anyone tries to take my gumboot off me so be warned, it's better not to!!!!! As you can see from the last photo when Dad tried to put me in my car seat after stealing my gumboot off me (Mum gave it back to me, so here I am holding on for dear life).